"The excuse for god permitting suffering is lame. It is also insulting to those who have had to endure terrible things in life." I gave out the WT reason to others for many years. I ignored the gaping holes in the explanation - suffering within all creation, the total absence of Godly love. That Jesus HAD to come to pay a price for all humankind to be reconciled to God - if you really think about it it is totally absurd. Even if you accept that part it means Jesus paid the price TWO THOUSAND YEARS ago! So, if the price has been paid, where is God? Sitting in the TOILET, like all the other Gods? Any God who has to go through some self-imposed court case to justify his authority is NOT love. Who knows? - maybe Jesus said the very same thing to God, and that's why he never made it back!
James Free
JoinedPosts by James Free
Did you ever get tired of hearing the WT's reason for why suffering exists?
by truthseeker inright now, the wt is publishing their "very soon" series of the awake!.
soon - an end to suffering.
the articles are the typical "why does god permit suffering", followed by the issue of universal soverignty, the fall of adam and eve and a concluding "very soon now god's kingdom will bring an end to worldly governments.".
Ask Fred E Hathaway, a.k.a. Q. Bert
by Fred E Hathaway infor those who feel that i've hijacked your thread(s), i'm still relatively new here, so your forgiveness (based on this acknowledgement and apology) is appreciated.
i'm posting this link, http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/131766/2343640/post.ashx#2343640, on the other threads as soon as i can.
bear with me as i attend to the necessary housework involved.. fred/q..
James Free
"Please try to communicate complete thoughts. You can do it." Well I am not so sure. I looked up and read many of the posts this member has made. Yes, they often sidestep the questions posed and reduce to abstract declarations of loyalty to Jehovah and the Org. But most of all, they display an inability to engage in logical discussion. Fred, you need to see a doctor, fast. I imagine your answer being something like, 'We will all be well in Jehovah's due time...' - So? You need help now!
The field service report
by James Free inwhenever i read the bible, about prayers and giving gifts in secret, and not letting the right hand know etc.
it became clear to me that handing in a report with my name on was unscriptural.
my elder friend even agreed - but said we gotta do it anyway.
James Free
Wow, I never heard those twisted interpretations before..."Sorry Sir, I looked in the prison for 1 hour and ten minutes, less 10 minutes for a coffee, and asked all the prisoners, that's 15 - I asked 3 of them twice, as I returned the visit, and left 3 papers"...
Would U Be Offended If A Lesbian Couple Showed Affection in A Public Place
by minimus inin missouri at a ihop, a lesbian kissed another female (her gf) on the cheek, once while sitting in the restaurant.
the manager went over to the ladies and told them they were not welcomed there and therefore had to leave.
the women described the kiss on the cheek as a similar type of kiss to an "uncle".
James Free
offended, nope...lesbians kissing...mmm sounds like a good idea for a movie...sorry, just joshing about, guess for some bigots it's a big thing.
This board is not for me.
by Wafe inwhen i came to this board, i thought that it was for encouragement amoung people who had been treated badly by the wtbts, i did not understand that people were going to come here and bash god, his son and the bible.
i could understand some embitterment over religion but some of you people are down right insulting.
not to mention the fact that i have tried to contact others on the board and have had my messages ignored.. .
James Free
Good for you. You are standing up for what you believe in. That's good. From time to time you will see that others are standing up for what they don't believe in. That's ok too. You see, this is a discussion forum. In the Org, it wasn't allowed for you to have an opinion. Now it is, as with others. Engaging in such discussions can strengthen your faith or challenge it, but at least it makes you think for yourself! So, stick around - it's more healthy than you think.
The field service report
by James Free inwhenever i read the bible, about prayers and giving gifts in secret, and not letting the right hand know etc.
it became clear to me that handing in a report with my name on was unscriptural.
my elder friend even agreed - but said we gotta do it anyway.
James Free
"one sister who felt she wasn't qualified" This might not mean she was disqualified, but humbly felt she lacked the education, communication skills, knowledge etc. to go door to door. Anyway, that's one possibility...Otherwise I agree wholeheartedly that an Org. and Body of Elders led by holy spirit shpoldn't be relying on bits of paper to judge the spirituality of others.
Whats the strangest thing you've seen someone get in trouble for?
by LaniB ini remember one windy summer day, after a meeting on sunday morning, i walked out of the hall behind a sister who was part of the church congregation with her two teenage children.
her husband did not attend.
the wind caught her dress unexpectedly and blew it up a'la marilyn monroe and revealed that she was wearing (shock, horror) french knickers...... there were a few murmers behind me which i at the time put down to things like "oh poor girl, so embarrassing".
James Free
I got into trouble with the CO because I was a regular auxiliary pioneer but I refused permission for the elders to announce it every month from the platform. They would always announce this one or that one was going to pioneer and then all would clap. I thought all the attention/praise was wrong. But that upset the CO who ORDERED the elders to announce it. So I stopped turning in the form but did the hours. That got me into more trouble, coz it made the publisher averages wrong! How funny those days were...
The field service report
by James Free inwhenever i read the bible, about prayers and giving gifts in secret, and not letting the right hand know etc.
it became clear to me that handing in a report with my name on was unscriptural.
my elder friend even agreed - but said we gotta do it anyway.
James Free
Whenever I read the Bible, about prayers and giving gifts in secret, and not letting the right hand know etc. it became clear to me that handing in a report with my name on was unscriptural. My elder friend even agreed - but said we gotta do it anyway. Did anyone else try to report without putting their name on, like I did, until I found out they added it anyway?...
JW told us: Actually only 800 Annointed left!!
by Lady Liberty injust recieved a e-mail from a active jw friend.
my mom was talking to a friend from bethal and they were talking about the number of the 144,000 that are left(..... and i talked briefly about this)and how they feel that there are actually less then 800and remember .....i said there had been a talk or something on it?
well i guess it was a wt article that we studied(well i knew i had heard it somewhere!
James Free
The May 1 WT says a partaker is not to be judged. What it avoids saying is that the local body of elders decides who to count. I fthey don't think the person could qualify, they don't count them - yep, they judge! The numbers printed over the years have NEVER been accurate - just go there and partake - see if you get counted!
JW told us: Actually only 800 Annointed left!!
by Lady Liberty injust recieved a e-mail from a active jw friend.
my mom was talking to a friend from bethal and they were talking about the number of the 144,000 that are left(..... and i talked briefly about this)and how they feel that there are actually less then 800and remember .....i said there had been a talk or something on it?
well i guess it was a wt article that we studied(well i knew i had heard it somewhere!
James Free
"Who wants to bet that EVERY member of the Governing Body will manage to defy the odds?" Thanks, you actually made me laugh!